Friday, August 5, 2011

New Experiences

Today is my first day off in over 2 weeks, so I'm (of course) in the library on the Internet. It's pretty much been the same old, same old here at Seedskadee. Go out on the river, lose a lot of blood from bugs, look for and find scat, come home, eat and sleep. Rinse and repeat. I like the routine a lot. I could definitely see myself doing some field work (although I've been told repeatedly that this "field season" is actually very cushy).

I have had some adventures though. I went with Andrea (another intern here at the refuge) to a racetrack to watch Ron, one of the Seedskadee's handymen, race his stock car. It was interesting, expensive, and VERY LOUD. I actually have decent hearing, so going there and having my eardrums blown out by roaring engines wasn't the most fun. I won't be going to a car race ever again (if I can help it), but at least I can say I tried it. I can still say NASCAR is a waste of time and gas and back it up by saying I've been to a race and still dislike it.

Another adventure is that I spent an afternoon shooting. Seedskadee just got a new Game Warden named Jack, who Brady and I helped move in. He is QUITE the gun-lover. One day, while Andrea and I were in town, he asked us to pick up some clay pigeons and a launcher if we wanted to shoot. So we did and hurried back home, where pretty much everyone at the refuge spent a couple hours shooting Jack's rifles. I hit 2 targets....meaning I need to get better. I almost hate to admit it, but it was fun. I wouldn't mind knowing how to use and care for a firearm. However, that doesn't mean that I would shoot everything that moves or would eventually degrade into a gun-toting lunatic. I'm kind of conflicted right now. But I'm not conflicted about Jack's dog, Lee Roy. He's a black and white English setter ("the consummate gentleman") and FULL of energy. It's insane. I've been taking him running at 6:30am on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays with Andrea (who is wicked fast). It's only a 3 mile run, but it's a ton of fun. Running Lee Roy definitely makes me want to get a dog as SOON as I can take care of one (meaning I'm home enough and have enough money). Dogs are just plain awesome.
Getting ready to shoot the target Jack's about to launch
So yeah, that's basically it. Sadly, I won't be able to go to Yellowstone or Grand Teton at the end of the season, but I'm not too torn up about it. I still have a trip idea and I can come back and go on my own when I can actually plan stuff out. I really want to visit the parks in the fall, when there are fewer tourists and bugs and the leaves are starting to change color. Fall is my favorite season, after all. Maybe after I graduate (depending on if I'm doing a Master's program or a year-long internship or WHATEVER), I can make the road trip back to Wyoming and visit Yellowstone, Grand Teton, Shoshonee Forest, and Thermopolis on my own. 

Only 8 days left of sampling and 12 days until I return to Georgia. I actually don't want to leave yet. I've met some really awesome people and haven't explored even a fraction of Wyoming. Plus, I don't want to go back to the humidity and straight back to classes. But all good things must come to an end, I suppose. Until my flight out, though, I'm going to keep sampling and coming back to watch movies and chill with the people on the refuge.

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